The following application notes are available for more technical information about specific uses and applications:
They describe the applications and theory of operation of the instruments, and discuss their functions and features in the context of actual use.
( Click a Technote link to open it or right click to save to your computer )
- IAN 50 “Noise Analysis and Gain Considerations in Selecting the Right Current Preamplifier”
- IAN 51 “Making Ratio Measurements – The Right Way”
- IAN 55 “Applying the Model 1211 Current Preamplifier to Tunneling Microscopy”
- IAN 101 “Phase and Amplifier Response of a Variable Electronic Filter”
- IAN 102 “Measuring Noise Spectra with Variable Electronic Filters”
- IPB 0132 “Comparison of DL Models 1211 and 1212 Current Preamplifiers”